Thursday, November 6, 2008

Two Days After!!!

Disappointed, yes, and many things I do not understand but I am very grateful that God is still on the throne, He is still in control and perhaps He has a plan that we know not of. Amos 8:11 comes to mind and seems to make a statement that could explain some things. I am very concerned that ANY Christian could support abortions plus many other issues that are wrong and damaging. How God can continue to bless America is difficult to understand except that He is a God of love and He wants us to have what is good for us. I am thankful for the few who still worship Him and put Him first in their lives.

I am relieved that the election is now history. A very new chapter has been written and we know not what the future may bring. I think we are all aware that many of the promises are only that---promises, and that most or perhaps all will never come to fruition. I feel it is my duty to pray for our new leader, which I will do and I will pray for the welfare of our dear country and continue to be grateful for the freedom we now enjoy and for our military who are responsible for that freedom.

May God Bless Us,

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