Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Roger and Anne

We are anxious to see Roger in a couple of days. He should be here about 6:00 Fri. eve. We wish Anne were coming too but we will have to wait until after Christmas to see her and more of the family.

I am amazed!!! I have heard of late 'comers', late 'goers', late 'bloomers' and now I am experiencing late 'posters'. Ecclesiastes tells us there is a time and place for all things. Apparently after 5 months and 193 posts-----and 4 or 5 comments (?), now, is the time for new---or at least more frequent----posters. I am very thankful for the renewed interest and participation. Perhaps my duty was to "keep the fires burning" until the appropriate time for others to join in. I am very glad I didn't give up though at times the thought did enter my mind and I wondered why go on?? I knew a few were reading but except for a very few, I had no idea whom. I still appreciate you Kim and what you did to set up the website. May our tribe increase!!!!!

I agree, Kim, that the pictures of days gone by are very interesting and heart warming. And yes, I will post the one you requested-----plus some that you didn't request!!!!

Also I like the suggestion you made to share memories of past Christmases and family gatherings. I realize we each remember different times and places, gifts and words. It has been said, "I will never remember all the things you have said, nor all the gifts you have given but I will forever remember how you make me feel." Showing our love and compassion is worth much more than any gift. We take so much for granted and think we will express our feelings and appreciations later and we never know when later might be too late. I like Sherlyn's reaching out to Darla and expressing her love and vise versa. We take so much for granted but suppose we begin today---- not only to tell someone we love them but to also show them. Little things can mean so much and perhaps brighten a somewhat dark day for someone.



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