Wednesday, December 5, 2007

AND We Thought We Had Style!

I guess the Night Owl gets the picture! He He! Oh- I have so Many to choose from. What will I do with them all- except to share with the people that have to claim us! Darla, do you remember getting those hats for Christmas? We thought we were really in style. There were a lot of things we thought were in style, at least I tried to convince you they were. Like Pippy Longstocking Braids! The second picture I really have great memories of! I was the Homecoming Attendant of the Kindergarten (each grade chose a boy and girl) and Grandmother made me that beautiful dress. Oh, how I loved that dress. I thought I was all grown up! And Darla, the Twirler! Amazing! She practiced her routine for hours and hours. I think she only threw the baton at me a few times! Dad had a huge production where Darla was sealed up INSIDE a big base drum and carried onto the field in formation. Then the whole band gathered around so no one could see and the got Darla out. She came out twirling her little heart out and I was so proud of her. I was also a little jealous of her outfit because it was SO cute with all those tassles and brass buttons! So many great memories just can't be contained Darla. Just think of your poor little children who need to see how their Mommy grew up so they are not scarred for life!
I loved the poem! Very creative, yet a little scary. I don't remember some of those things, but it seems as if you'll be helping me with that! I think we have another sister with some really great pictures. I'll have to find them......
Good Night All
Love You

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