Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Did You Miss Me?????

Remember The Reason For The Season
Six more days!!!! If you are wondering if I am ready, the answer is NO!!! BUT, I plan to spend the day getting ready---at least a little nearer ready-----for Christmas, that is.
Maybe you missed my postings and maybe you didn't. I took a little trip but am back home as of 12:00 last night. Merrel, Jan and I drove down to Hot Springs to spend some time with Terrell and Joann. They are doing well and welcomed 'company' as it is difficult for them to get away from home.
I appreciate Darla and Sherlyn's keeping the postings going. I can certainly support Darla's congratulations to Courtney for her almost perfect score during the first semester of her second year in College. She has had a very stressful year while working almost full time and still keeping her grades up along with her other honorable activities. WE ARE PROUD OF YOU, COURTNEY!!!
Sherlyn, I am sure ALL the cousins will appreciate the "cousin picture" you posted. Notice how Devin is standing his ground (though not very tall!!!) even though Keith is embarking on his territory a bit.
To be continued!!!

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