Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine's Day Plus One

Yes, I'm aware that yesterday was the designated Valentine's Day but why should our thoughts of love be limited to only one day? I believe February is dubbed the "love month". I think every day of every month should be a love day. Remember the Coca Cola song that said in part, "What the world needs now is love, sweet love, that's the only thing that there's just too little of." Love can build a bridge, love can solve all problems we face. I have never understood the "head-over-heels love" one day and the "urge-to-kill" the next. To me, that is NOT real, deep, abiding love. Perhaps we could all improve in this area. I realize we all have "hurts" but there is a world of difference between "hurts" and "hates".

While we are on the thought of "love", we might also realize it would be a good time to "forget" and "forgive". No doubt, we have all had "hurts" and it is very easy to become bitter. We then decide what we will do about it. I could have easily carried negative and hurt feelings toward my Dad because of the pain and hardships he caused for me, my sister and our Mother. Instead, I chose to forgive him so I could have a relationship with him and I have never regretted my decision. Grudges can become very heavy to bear and can rob us of the joy and happiness we can otherwise have.


1 comment:

Holland Family Member said...

Thank you for those words Grandmother! They touched my heart! I find as I grow older, I want more to love and less to "be right,argue or win". Relationships with those I love are much more important to me. I also choose to Love!
I love you Grandmother!