Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Looking out the window

Looking out the Window

Looking out the window early this morning, Oh, what a sight!
Studded with crystals, covered with ice, everything's white.
Laden with freezing rain, tree limbs bowed to the ground.
Ice and sleet hitting the windows with a loud pinging sound.

Icicles hanging from the roof and the cars look like fringe.
Cold crunchy footsteps crossing the grass make me cringe.
Like gunshot from every direction, I hear large trees pop
Snapping and falling on power lines are limbs from the top.

Then suddenly, no electrical hum, no TV or radio voices
Only silence so big that no one rejoices.
Sitting alone in the cold and the dark, with only the candle's flame
Brings thoughts of God's promises I surely can claim.

The cold wind blows of doubts there is no lack.
The silence screams out to bring the love back.
Looking out the window early this morning, Oh what a sight!
But it's so good to know that God will make all things right.



Holland Family Member said...

I always hope you know how talented you are!!! I love how you explain things with words. I miss you!!!!! -Darla

Holland Family Member said...

And I thought that Grandmother was the great poet in the family! Actually, hers always make me smile and yours always make me think. I love both styles! And I love you Mom! Thanks for all you do!

Holland Family Member said...

And I thought that Grandmother was the great poet in the family! Actually, hers always make me smile and yours always make me think. I love both styles! And I love you Mom! Thanks for all you do!