Monday, February 4, 2008

Sunny Monday

We received a "gift from above" last week when little Isabella arrived---at 7lbs, 9oz---a beautiful little girl. We are so anxious to see her. I am wondering what her "big" sister thinks of her.

Today we have temperature of 74ยบ. It seems so much more like April than the 4th day of February. We are promised cooler temps tomorrow, however, with the possibility of some storms. I trust we will be sparred of any thing detructive.

We had a very enjoyable week-end and I trust you did as well. We are blessed to have the privilege to attend our church services and enjoy the fellowship with friends. Our class attendance was 95 which is average, although we had 105 a week ago. Some of our ladies are planning and preparing a really nice Valentine's Day party for our class next Sat. afternoon. We will have games, door prizes and lots of food. I have been asked to take pictures. I will enjoy doing that!!!!! You may see some of them a little later on the blog.

OK, Darla, the Bible says, " eye for an eye....". How about a " for a blog...?" Fair enough??? You missed my posting, now I would welcome a few more postings from you!!!! along with the pictures you promised. OK????? Hey, the rest of you out there----it would be nice to see something from all of you as well.

Love to all,


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