Wednesday, September 2, 2009

September is Here!!!

Happy Birthday to all who have birthdays in September. Can this really be the second day of September? That is what my calendar says. August seemed to fly by but at the same time it left us with some special memories. We had a non-stop week end with our family and friends. We were treated to a special dinner at River-side Inn on Saturday night. Six of us had a really nice dinner and time of visiting. On Sunday, 13 people filled their plates and found a place at my dining room table. On Monday evening, 12 people shared food and fun around that same table. It was a good 4 days and a birthday to remember---my 81st!!!! Just cannot understand how 81 birthdays have come and gone in such a short time. I am very thankful for the years and the life I have been blessed with and am especially thankful for my dear and thoughtful family. I will add some pictures and comments about our time together a little later. Haven't down loaded the pics yet. Some will need some explaining. We laughed a lot!!!

Our weather could not have been nicer while our company was here. Today we have clouds and light rain with 58 degrees. I need to find a long sleeved shirt!!!!!

Must get off here and get my day started. Hope each of you have a good one.

Love you,

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